Paphos Street Art III


A few more joint ventures by local and visiting artists and…drumroll….

Paphos is now home to a work of urban street art by the famous MIllO!

Fine artist, Francesco Camillo Giorgino, aka Millo, produces massive intriguing story-murals all over the world when not engaged in group exhibitions and NGO work. The piece he has created for Paphos is titled, ‘Ready’.

Enjoy, ponder, and be edified.



These next four pics flow from left to right around two walls at right angles…






‘READY’, by MIllO:

copyright Neptune and the Oak 2017


close-ups, from left to right:






Personalised Energy Coaching




Paphos Street Art II


An ongoing and super cool part of living in one of the two 2017 Culture Capitals of Europe is the explosion of street art. The organisers have twice invited foreign pro painters to join the native pros and we have been presented with some brilliant, sometimes confounding, always magnetic and skillfully executed works.

And the not-so-pro…

Like wild flowers along the by-lanes, little unsanctioned works have been appearing on walls along the roads further out of town and into the villages. Most of them I like; all of them are clearly trying to convey something important from their creator. I think they deserve inclusion; everybody has to start somewhere.

ENJOY! (and there is more – see the links at the bottom of this post)

  • weaver





















This wall says, ‘A lot of people have spray painted on me over and over, but none of their paints remind me of the color of your eyes…Eleni’



‘If I could, I would do everything for you.’  – Thomas




Paphos Stree Art, Post 1: click here

Others not included in Post 1 or 2: click here and here


New Moon: 4 Gemini 47

new moon gem4 cyprus 25may17

All that the mighty oak is now was once contained in the little acorn.

At new moon times we can maximize access to untapped potential. We have an idea/wish/dream that we would like to see become a reality…but that process is a lot easier said than done. The timing has to be right, as do the collaborators, assistants, the network, the delivery, those who cover our normal responsibilities when we just have to stay in the zone a little bit longer.

We use a lot of farming metaphors because everyone has generally understood how to apply them to their unique situation. My idea/wish/dream is the symbolic seed; I must (insert farmer chore here) for that seed or it will never happen.

And it still may not happen: that’s a possibility in what is yet to be. But just as the seas obey her tug, so the moon can indicate to us carbon-based folks the wise/wiser/wisest times to launch from the mental to the material plane.

This new moon is in Gemini and that means our mental processes and activities can encapsulate our heart’s desire as pertains to our society, our mode of interaction/learning/teaching, our handiwork, our family members and very close friends, our locale. It means we should be ready to make choices; to be flexible in thought, word and deed; to avoid the temptation to be duplicitous or two-faced; to contemplate our ability to sustain the necessary effort. You must measure which of your wishes would do well in this energy mix and select that one.

A Critical Degree

4’Gemini is a ‘crisis’ degree point, indicating that our environment is provoking a response-wish in us, no matter what else is going on. This makes me picture many little whirls of ‘conversational energy’ being magnetically drawn towards and into the formation of a somewhat singular, megawhirling mindset; the purposeful seeding of an altered zeitgeist. I am not thinking of something so big as a tornado (!); I see this as a community-based phenomenon at the moment, though as like attracts like, these various community-whirls could eventually morph into something regional, national, global.

Back to the Farm…

Ruler of the moon is Mercury, currently just inside the 2nd decan of Taurus. And not to complicate things, but…the moon is exalted in Taurus. This means that, except where necessity forces otherwise, our emotional center (symbolised by the moon) is the root food source of all mercurial energy being grown – and that center is enveloped by the Gemini (Mercury) sun. In English, this means: We are hungry for facts/solutions/mental platforms that we can use to construct a stable dwelling place for our hearts. There is an Arabic proverb (that I spent waay too much time trying to find for you, to no avail) that goes something like, ‘the woman is the central support beam that holds up the house’. Likewise, our emotional well-being is the central support beam of our Personhood. Important stuff!

Taurus rules the throat and voice, Self-possession, physical security and material gain. We could see the most shy amongst us make a seed-decision about how and where to step up and be heard; those who have used print exclusively to share ideas and network could start podcasting to accomodate commuters. The Muse will visit artists with songs that become the peoples’ anthems and visual installations that magically capture exactly how The Group feels.

A Reminder About Jack’s Beanstalk

A Gemini seedling is FAST, so we better keep a watchful eye on it. There may be a need to prune sucker shoots and limbs often in near-future developmental stages to insure a sturdy stalk and upward evolution that we can maintain responsibly. Crucially, we must face the reality that we will reap what we sow. If we are paying careful attention, the quality we are after will show itself – or not – very, very soon. Either way, oh how much we will have learned! And that’s important, too.

–          weaver





On Cycles…

An orientation of loving is rooted in a fundamental trust in the intelligence of the soul or psyche, that it knows what it needs for healing and wholeness to come in its own time. Outgrown behaviors or stances did serve their purpose for a time and should be honored for their roles in our lives. Good or bad, they bring us to this present moment which is curiously the only time in which things seem to happen. When we’re able to be exactly where we are and how we are, and in the present with that reality, things can change, move and flow in time.  – Erika Jones (source)



Personalised Energy Coaching