When Less is More (Really!)


It’s important to discuss a universal affect of Saturn’s approach to Pluto in Capricorn: our individual positions and spheres of interest, action and/or influence will narrow noticeably over the coming months. As this conjoining concentration of Serious Energies seeks harmonic union, we will All simultaneously experience the paradox of respective reverberation through our cosmos.

In some area/s of life, many of us are going to find that it gets easier to stand our ground or get clarity about best concrete steps forward. While this may be self-initiated or brought on as forced reaction, in the long run how it comes about is less important than how you work it.

As is the rule with physics, the domino effect of one’s choices can only result. Depending upon one’s place in a life-system, a number of others will be affected by subsequent decisions made. Thus, in some cases we’ll experience a satisfying sense of empowerment or assuredness – there may well be a sense of almost giddy relief. In others, the clear reduction of ‘menu choices’ will be starkly apparent. Again, what’s important is how you work it. Practice, note feedback, and practice some more because with Uranus in Taurus, nothing material is fixed (more on that below) and that can be a very good thing. Really!

We may all expect to observe this happening within our interior mindscape. We’ll feel like choosing less of something rather than more in a myriad of seemingly insignificant matters. It won’t be about conscious effort but rather a natural inclination that may take some time to notice. I caught this in myself just a couple weeks ago and it really gave me pause. I felt startled and pleased all at once. I am banking on it continuing and appreciating that I don’t feel I have to do anything to experience that less is more, really.

The spectrums of experiences are signified within each wheel. Those with degrees in play will necessarily be navigating matters in the mundane world. From cutting addictions to altering parenting style, from dear love lost to ruthless gutting/decluttering in intimate space, from take –over bidding and notification to cease and desist to the swatting away of false voices/no longer predictable frenemies.

From an inner perspective, are you solidifying or chipping away? Are you repelling or magnetizing and can you envision the long term results? Again, the domino affect must result as the concentration of these blended archetypes cannot help but create a vacuum followed by a cleaner leaner frequency-fuel. It’s essential to keep this in mind in the months to come.

Cue our understanding of the significance of all matters Taurus. There be Uranus and all matters ruled by element Earth will be subject to shock and aftershock through 2026. All energy-weather contemplation that doesn’t include this feature is subject to being wildly off the mark. We’ll all get our dose of Progress! at an unmanageable pace. Some ground strikes will seem to manifest on a whim but connections generally follow further up the path. It’s completely rational to expect (even more) miraculous happenings, too. 🙂

And that brings us to the full moon at 19 Taurus 52 today. Across the wheel is the sun and Mercury rx in Scorpio. The material, the practical and our natural born gifts are being illuminated as more careful consideration is given to commitment and emotional investment. The earth trine to Pluto indicates there is a way forward being presented but it might not look familiar or particularly attractive; it might require you to stretch your thinking when it comes to source/resource/talent usage.

Venus, ruler of the FM, is in Sagittarius: Taurus turf doesn’t blend easily with galloping Sag but we can expect to have a positive attitude and even extremely helpful assistance as we sort any anxieties into valid and invalid piles. We can have the horizon in mind and that’s exactly the positive counterbalance to any contractions experienced.

If you’ve got Virgo placements or simply know the themes ruled by Virgo for you, you are exhorted to ROCK this trine for all it’s worth. All earthy people (and the earth ruled zones in your wheel) stand to GAIN from any fallout or fill-up this fixed moonshine brings. Librans find their voice; just be careful not to overdo it. If you can, rehearse what you might say.

Personalised Energy Coaching     w.e.a.v.e.r.says@gmail.com

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