On Mercury Retrograde 2019

Three times Mercury paddled the seas of 16 to 29 degrees of Pisces from late February until mid April.  (Direct on March 29th)

After the stirrings of creative fire marked an about-face at 4 Leo, three times Mercury side-walked the shoreline degrees of 23 to 29 Cancer from late June to mid August. (Direct on August 1st)

Now, three times Mercury will slide and sink into the deep and contained degrees of 11 to 27 Scorpio from mid October until the first week in December. (Direct on November 21st)

Consider the time frames. Any theme or issue pop its head up in both of the previous retrogrades? Are there connections easily made if you think about it? If you haven’t dealt with the matter/s sufficiently, it’s coming back around to give you one more opportunity.

If you have natal points in play, you are going to recognize what’s happening pretty quickly. If you have dealt with it, be on the lookout for the proof! It’s quite satisfying to register what could pass without your noticing and that would be a shame.

That’s the beauty of Mercury retrograde cycles: they come in threes by element and offer the spacetime to deal with a particular kink in your life circuitry. Your wheel is the map by which you can isolate, classify, clarify and administer the fix. If that sounds rather Virgoan, it’s because Mercury is exalted in these matters.

What’s more, the current Mercury retrograde re-pings the Jupiter/Pluto dance of 2018. For some, this will provide an extremely meaningful progress report on this long-term cycle.

Once you’ve observed the threes-by-element cycle, impending retrograde dates become intriguing and less of an irritant. Being the occasional collateral damage of Merc rx is a lot more tolerable. Perception shifts.

The next time Mercury goes retrograde will be in February 2020 in fixed-air Aquarius…

Credit: Hint Fashion Mag

Personalised Energy Coaching     w.e.a.v.e.r.says@gmail.com

Cyprus Welcomes the ICMACY Foundation

I am pleased to report some great news for residents and visitors to Cyprus. Based in Paphos, the Indian Classical Music and Arts in Cyprus Foundation has been officially established thanks to the passion work of Kyp Paraskeva and fellow aficionados. A life long seeker and a student of the sitar for many years, with this next evolution Kyp provides the perfect space for us to share in the mysteries, wonders and wisdom of Hindustani classical music.

Kypros Paraskeva, Founding member ICMACY

In June, we were in awe of Bala Devi Chandrashekar as she presented a lecture and performance sponsored in part by the Paphos Municipality .

Bala Devi Chandrashekar, lecture and performance of ‘Karna: Destiny’s Child’ in Paphos

In September, the renowned Indian classical vocalist, Mahesh Kale, founder of ICMA and based in San Francisco, was able to come and bless the new Cyprus branch of his non-profit in person! He opened his concert in historic Ibrahim’s Khan by sharing how delighted and impressed he is with the talent and dedication of Kyp, his wife, Mare and the rest of the founding team. (and all the people say Amen!) It was a magical evening – and even more so for your astrologer who finally got to meet another astrologer in person. 😉 See his live performance in Paphos on youtube. We are all looking forward to Mahesh’s return, possibly as early as next year.

Mahesh Kale in Paphos, Ibriham’s Khan
Mahesh Kale in Paphos, Ibrahim’s Khan

The ICMACY provides the essential raagas for festivals, concerts, and events all around Cyprus with recent collaborations including the High Commission of India (link) in Nicosia and Sanskriti Cyprus (link) in Limassol. Many of the ICMACY offerings are free to the public. You can find and follow them on facebook.

Congratulations and much appreciation to the team at ICMACY!

Personalised Energy Coaching     w.e.a.v.e.r.says@gmail.com

Manifest the Manifesto

The full moon at 20 Pisces is freshly dunked by Neptune as it opposes the sun in Virgo. Normally one might think it best to pack up and try again another day. After all, it’s been heaving and hoeing for weeks and whatever the All One may just now have in its shimmering halo, it deserves further reflection. In fact, often what we take to be the significant happening of a Pisces transit can shift significantly over the following days. As much as you can, allow the waters to settle.

And your Virgo zone is by no means spent. So let’s cast our gaze about the wheel. If you’ve got placements in Taurus or have any experience with wielding space weather, I highly recommend some practical tether-work.

Over the coming week, just check to see if you might now:

  • anchor a needy circumstance in a more secure pot or source ;
  • establish a refreshed appreciation for how your value system protects you and those with whom you share it. I’m thinking, manifest the manifesto.
  • want to celebrate or take solace (or both) in a special meal and help yourself to the softest linens in the cupboard for the first time in a long time.
  • do all of the above. Even better, do your own rendition of high-vibe Taurus and share it here if you can.

If you’ve got Taurean placements, you won’t be slow to stand your ground.You’ll intuit exactly how far your budget will take you. Even if it’s just a few square meters, your patch of floor or earth can stimulate and soothe you, all at once. All you have to do is Be in a state of observance. There’s opportunity here to upgrade your antifragility in concrete terms.

 – weaver

Want to get in touch? Please see On Staying Connected or use email: w.e.a.v.e.r.says@gmail.com

Related essays:

Whoosh – a very similar base theme from the full moon in September 2017. See how far you’ve come..!

Superforecasting for Cool People – an exposé on antifragility. Essential reading as we approach 2020.

Personalised Energy Coaching     w.e.a.v.e.r.says@gmail.com