Fire Walking

The full moon at 20’ Aries lights up something seriously in need of ending in its current form. It’s likely that this comes to the fore in a partnership. Those of us with placements near 20’ of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn won’t be too surprised as this energy culminates; there are hints for the attentive for at least a week before. Do yourself a favor: Let go.

Those with placements in Aries, however, might feel somewhat stunned by what comes to light. When you are experiencing a creeping stresser for so long – as newer situations come and go that divert your attention and energy, its instinctual to tune out the drum beat of impending finality.

The ruler of the full moon, Mars, has been vibing via the house of Libra for about the same amount of time that Mercury, followed by Venus, has been vibing via the house of Scorpio. If we’ve been unusually willing to go below the surface in our discussions and debates with others, if we’ve been unusually willing to dispense with our typical style of interaction and drawing in near to another, the days leading up to the full moon might read: so this is how it goes in the big leagues of WE-labors: aha! moment  *Or*  Me, thinking WE had this balancing act down pat but you clearly do NOT.

Either way you see it, don’t lose your chance to step up and do a little fire walking…

For all of us, there’s a fire trine from Jupiter to that Aries moon. You can get new spark plugs in your zone of faith, adventurousness and humor. If Aries is your sun or rising sign, shazam! Got planets in Leo? You can crank up the wattage, too. (And if you haven’t got Leo markers, go for it anyway!) Recent checks on your creativity serve as guard rails; Jupiter can inspire and project, Aries is the courageous and Leo can perform with winning style even on a shrinking stage. You never know who may be watching.

The rest of this year is not all fun and games; you’ll need to exercise your serious sides. If you blow your top, be willing to pay the consequences dictated by your place. Be willing to show up. Remember your training:

‘The sparks from your forge work should not catch your neighbor’s house on fire. In fact, the single most important feature of this span of time seems to me to be about how well you can contain your experience when appropriate.’  Battle Plan  Heroes in Training

What if we make a decision that, right here and now, (this) is my perception of What Is and based upon that perception, I draw a symbolic line on the ground. What needs to be repaired, what’s ready to go, what’s too heavy to carry by myself, what’s essential to success? And I lead. I lead me, my head space and my being in stepping over that line…One thing is certain: we aren’t supposed to feel like we are in this alone, except in rare cases. The value of connected outcomes, regardless of market place niche or life role played, is made plain. Capricorn  Base Camp

Personalised Energy Coaching

5 thoughts on “Fire Walking

  1. How DO you do it? we’re currently in the middle of a power shut off affecting close to a million people…and the observations one makes when being…er…”powerless”….are just as you write about above. Tally ho. xo. poet and don’t know it. etc.

    Liked by 1 person

      • In my best Jack Benny voice, WELL. they shut off power in about 2/3 of California- “dangerous weather” they said. Not said was the repairs they haven’t done for decades in favor of bonuses etc. So. It’d been three days, they said another two at least. I called them and…expressed myself. THEN I called the Governor’s office and…expressed myself. AND? the power was on in about a half hour. Poetic or what?xxx

        Liked by 1 person

      • walk on, lioness – poetry in motion 🙂 last night, i caught bill mayer explaining it a bit and thought of you. anyone need something sorted? give boozilla a buzz!


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