Full Moon: 22 Virgo 13

FM virgo 12mar17

On the Art of Refining Our Labor

Virgo is all about practical, real-world service that is rooted in the spirit of All-Oneness Pisces: what we do for another, we actually do for our Self; Kindness to another is truly kindness to one’s self since I am and You are together on this organic rock spinning though the mysteries of shared chemistry and space.

When we think about parental love, it’s so easy to understand – now, think about a world where we could hold on to the truth of sibling’s keeper logic. To serve apparent needs according to the agenda and the trajectory hoped for by the Other and not what we opine as best is a central characteristic of this axis.


We are about to adjust our homing signal to somewhat different frequencies and our success will rely upon a clear-eyed unromantic understanding of what we are physically and emotionally capable of sustaining.


We’ve recently noted the eclipses and since cycles build on cycles, we can connect some dots here.

In the first half of February, the solar energy of Leo bounced its universal light off of the moon: remember that you are unique. Your inner spark can fuel connections which lead to mutual satisfaction and trust. Leo protects, provides, performs and creates and every one of us has a Leo facet made for taking up these activities. We are encouraged to be thinking along these lines now…

But let’s not forget who we are doing this for, what our audience, tribe, loved one is saying that they want or need from us. In the second half of February, the moon lined up in between us on earth and the sun – and the symbolism sought to return us to the bedrock material of the All-One. The wise mind and the heart will daily calibrate our caretaker spirit to the perspective of those on the receiving end.  It has to be rooted there or we might quickly drown, sinking under a load of self-imposed menial tasks that no one would miss if we just stopped doing them. And that brings us neatly and squarely to today’s full moon in Virgo.

The universe invites you to come to terms with reality as pertains to those you feel connected to now and those people and themes just on the horizon of your world. We are about to adjust our homing signal to somewhat different frequencies and our success will rely upon a clear-eyed unromantic understanding of what we are physically and emotionally capable of sustaining.

Of course, there may be some who we will door-mat for without hesitation – yes, just note well why you choose to serve.Virgo works are all the jobs that have to get done: from paycheck work to errand running, from laundry to sterilising the bathrooms. We may be launching new migrations, projects, classes, family units, careers –  in what ways will we regularly refill our inner wells of fortitude? Let us begin as we intend to go on.


The universe has some tips for us:

Whatever tremors and quakes you are experiencing in your Capricorn sector, Pluto is ultimately drilling for you – to hit a rich vein that can serve as a source of sustenance.  If you will keep cleaning away the rubbly junk broken up by the proverbial jack hammer, your daily itinerary, to-do lists and people priorities will literally be that which is still standing/part of your reality over the coming months.

Mars is now in Taurus: dont scatter your energies; Choose a few desires and Lock Focus.   Be the horse that pulls the cart. Conserve energy when possible. Repeat.

Saturn, our Teacher and The Boss, will have us constructing, testing, deconstructing and perfecting our weight-bearing lines from April 6th until August 26th (back from 27’48 to 21’11 Sag and forward again). We can choose to worry about what this may mean for us OR we can SEE and celebrate the synchronicity between the Leo eclipse launch with its first harmonic reply and your upcoming work in the school of life!

There may be concepts or systems that we come to see in the near future we’ve been misunderstanding, persons we’ve misjudged, a stubbornly hard-wired fear or a lie that rears its head between now and August 26th. These experiences contain lessons meant to be APPLIED so that we can forge on with our skills and talents. How cool is that?! When our stress levels rise, we can remember that Time is on our side when we are building for the long haul. We won’t be running late, we’ll be getting it right.

A very satisfying Virgo full moon to you,




On being in business: “Its just a very small percentage of your energy being spent on the big picture. Like, you know generally where you are heading for, and the actual path is going to be some sort of zig-zaggy path in that general direction. You try not to deviate too far from the path that you want to be on – but you are going to have to, to some degree.”  – Elon Musk

Neptune and the Oak – Personalized Coaching for Creative Living     http://www.neptuneandtheoak.com

Solar Eclipse: 8 Pisces 11




Quotes and phrases from the last week*:


‘Don’t be afraid, be ready.’


‘The law is no substitute for morality.’ 


‘New burdens, new anxieties are presented to you as freedoms.’


‘Revolution without evolution’


‘Deconstruction with a blunt tool’


Now Picture this: Procreator Extraordinaire, sparking with electric frizz, somewhat frustrated and definitely weary… pausing for a moment with tender Solace…. resting in the mystic home of Boundless Grace….a magical glow begins radiating from within that marvelous mind-soup. This is true, bone-deep refreshment.


Now, if the archetypal Sun and Moon are unplugging from The Noise for a couple days and since they represent integral life forces within each of us, perhaps we should do the same. We can plug into this super charger and rest while the juices flow.


Then we might begin to sense that some themes are ending or no longer hold us as tightly; we are turning a corner and new vistas of experience are waiting for us on our way. It would be good to leave yourself some markers here to discover at a later date: a journal entry, a souvenir from your daily travels, a photo.  


And what these inklings could mean to you and for you doesn’t have to be anyone’s business but your own just now. There may simply not be words yet to convey it – even to Self. It’s form may dance like a bed sheet out drying on a breezy night, teasing the mind’s eye. That’s alright, too. It helps us keep up the practice of being flexible in response to reality  – and who wants to get into a theoretical debate about the validity of one’s magical glow?!


Actually, I suppose a kindred spirit would – a shared reverie – and the mutual support would be a boon. In fact, that shall be my super new moon solar eclipse wish for you: a kindred spirit for company. But you must still make at least one for yourself. If you would like some complimentary help ‘framing’ your wish, just ask. I am all for mutual support. 🙂




Anything said or done in a heartfelt way affects the world, contributes to its aliveness, stops it unravelling. This is how prayer and magic work. This is a form of cause and effect that is outside the scientific remit, but it is the most important form of all. Contributing to the world – saving the world, even, as if we could possibly know how – is not just a matter of direct action, though that has its place. It is also about inner work, of heartfelt intention, of prayer. And that connects us to the deeper soul of the world. It is that thing beyond us, that is vastly bigger than us, that makes the difference.




 *quotes 1 & 2: Edward Snowden; Quote 3: Slavoj Žižek; 4 & 5: originator unknown; Quote 6: Barry Goddard

Personalised Energy Coaching     weaver@neptuneandtheoak.com



New Moon: 8 Aquarius 15




It’s been gratifying to read a lot of articles lately that emphasise the importance of cycles and of remembering that we are always in the midst of several of them at any given time. Even as some parts or persons in life may have us in standby or hibernate mode, this new moon initiates and empowers a cycle of This is Me Taking Progressive Action and here is why:

Mars will triumphantly bound into his home sector of Aries, shaking off an immense amount of heavy debilitating drench just hours after the exact Sun/Moon conjunction. The effect of this move alone cannot be overstated when it comes to how so many of us are feeling. Lethargy , disillusionment, a dispersed and incoherent mentality and even timidity, shame and victimhood will be hard-pressed to maintain a grip on the Self no matter where Aries operates in the mosaic of personhood.

The Sun and Moon are united in Aquarius, associated with both Make-it-Real Saturn and Genius Forerunner Uranus. We can plant the seeds for taking a Giant Leap and land firm footed!

All the planets are moving forward. With just a few exceptions, this is a time for applying these energies to/upon/in tandem with our cosm. Just make a note to keep in mind that virtually ALL of us will be feeling Fired Up and remember the lessons gleaned over the last year concerning how we use our autonomy, knowing the wisdom of limits and the necessity of the co- in co-creative work.

Uranus and Jupiter are in opposition. Gotta be you but you are not an island. Become more diplomatic even as you measure twice and cut once. Also, I note that legalities and endowments/gifts with a string or two attached of one sort or another are coming up a lot. Oppositions are opportunities to integrate via common denominators. If you can’t find any of those (and you checked that twice)…release that space so it’s available. Nature abhors a void so don’t fret about it for even half a minute.

Saturn is enforcing accountability, offering growth through and in spite of pain and a reckoning is due for those who have forgotten why they offered to serve.

Mercury is stepping into Pluto’s parlour. The powers that be have a proclamation, a fabulous upgrade or a termination notice. But first things first: are you the Pluto archetype in any of your various associations? I ask this because a great many people that I speak with have blind spots concerning their power. I sometimes wonder if subconsciously they don’t feel up to the responsibility that comes with it. Either way, if you’ve been feeling any of those descriptors listed in paragraph 2, watch that you don’t unwittingly become the dark side of the Eliminator and miss a brilliant opportunity for a holistic upgrade. ‘Impotent rage wears on you.’ – Jon Stewart

There is grace abounding for those with a will to be aware. First off and most obvious with a new moon is the Space to unify our thoughts and feelings. This is not the general state of affairs for the great majority of us and I am celebrating that union of frequencies particularly. There is grace in Venus in Pisces: she is exalted here and we can choose what we attract to us which automatically edits our mindset and behaviour. Which wolf are you feeding? There is grace in maintaining the status quo in terms of our approach: the marker for our best growth forward remains in flexible yet grounded, wheat from chaff sorted, know-it-by-its-fruits Virgo. As we rise daily to the Challenge – even as we acknowledge there is no map of the terrain – we can use these qualities to advance with as much confidence as is possible in these bizarre times.

Can you hear that rooster crowing? I sure can. 🙂

 – weaver

Personalised Energy Coaching     weaver@neptuneandtheoak.com