Venus in the Morning Sky, 2018-2019 — When the Curves Line Up


‘Venus returns to the morning sky in late 2018 and shines from the eastern sky until the middle of summer 2019. The photo above (Figure 1) shows Venus on September 17, 2017, during the last morning appearance. During this appearance Venus has conjunctions with Jupiter and Saturn, and a close approach to Mercury…’

Figure 1: Venus shines in the morning sky with a crescent moon on September 17, 2017 Bookmark this page to return to it follow the progress of Venus in the morning sky, For readers wanting a detailed and more technical description of the appearance, click here. Venus returns to the morning sky in late 2018 […]

via Venus in the Morning Sky, 2018-2019 — When the Curves Line Up

Full Moon: 3 Pisces 12


Instead of assuming people are stupid when they don’t know something we think they should perhaps we should instead assume the context of the others life is different than our own and therefore different things have taken priority…I am now practicing meeting people as they are…with ignorances and bigotries too. We’ve all got them. I want to meet people in my community…rather than listen to the choir…mirroring back my own biases. – Monica Cassani (link)

pisces FM 2018

On Submission
The affects of a Pisces Full Moon are generally subtle in rising to fullness. It has felt like that for me as I prepared this post..! There will be a lot written and said about the uber-powerful earth trine and Venus square Pluto as well as Juno’s contacts with Pluto and Jupiter. But I find myself typing away here about (don’t worry, English follows) the North Node opposite Black Moon Lilith sextile Chiron, square Uranus.
By house, the ruler of the full moon ‘continually feeds’ the Pisces moon event. Those with natal placements in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (and those of us aware that the tap is on) can draw washing water from the All One Source. In Scorpio, moon ruler Jupiter lights up the dark, draws attention to the squirmy underbelly of relationship politics/mindless diplomacy. That which is not spoken of can take center stage in your mindscape, welcome or not. It could very well take center stage between you and someone in your intimate circle. I’m thinking family, lineage, progeny, bonding cues, the roles we are expected or think we are expected to play; how unseen, unarticulated pressure is very much a part of Real Life.

If we can float awhile in contemplation of that which has become apparent, it may actually morph into a shape and quality that provokes a better response, engenders a more spacious ‘I Am’ and begins to remove the awful weight of ignorance-based prejudice. We’ve got a three day Here and Now opportunity to choose to soak – while coolly flexing our stellar intellectual faculties – on a matter or theme that comes to mind as you read along here.

Getting Results
The moon meets up with Chiron in Aries on the 29th presenting the potential need to stand and fight. Or stand and confess. Or stand and affirm. You’ll know if you’ve done the soak-and-think. With Venus at home with the lights on in Libra, the virtues of equality, justice, fairness and interconnection are strongly supported. Wouldn’t it be nice to help someone see that what’s wanted is mutual? Wouldn’t it be nice to realize this if you find that your approach to the issue lacked foundation and/or a broader spectrum of truth? I think many of us will marvel on the other side of this revelation space…

Attn high yin persons: Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius is quite a unique animal; her manifestations here will often be due to matters of equality in intellectual and in non-conformist/somewhat edgy pursuits. The physicist who still can’t get her mathematics theory published, the X-games athlete with few sponsorship offers because she won’t oblige set promotional schemes, the simmering creative non-binary person stuck in a culturally adverse town; languishing perceptions of STEM pursuits, behavioral sciences, and pro-defense strategies; the indignation at soul-flight being crushed for no valid reason.

These examples are meant to make the archetypal point but pull that sky template down to the local ‘We Are’ and chances are very good for progressive/future-oriented movement through Our Personal endeavors and a ten-fold increase in awareness as concerns status in relationship. Wondering how you came to ‘settle’ here? Have you recently gone a few paces on from a crossroads decision that feels somehow off vibe? Give yourself permission to pause. This template indicates an updated version of the road map is nigh but you must be willing to consider and contemplate its existence and contents. You want that updated version; it will save you precious time and energy.

It should be noted that putting one’s self in dodgy environments, in the company of those who lack transparency of motive, can set one up for trigger experiences. If you’ve got a chip on your shoulder – or you’re dealing with insecurity in Others, avoid water cooler encounters; in your daily travels and interactions, stay calm but vigilant. On the upside, this is an opportunity to truly SEE, perhaps in a most uncanny or startling way, that the only validation necessary for starters is My Own.

Attn high yang persons: If things are getting confrontational, step back and consider the roots of any anxiety-creep/flaring of temper and how subliminal expectations may be blocking key nutrients from reaching your emotional core. Stop starving your Self. Take up the offer below. Act upon your desire to SEE if you are missing out on anything. Mars is stationing direct for you, right on time.

– weaver


*Pull this sky template down to the local ‘We Are’. Subscribers are welcome to request a personalized template-by-house for their wheel.


On cycles within cycles:
May 10, 2018 – Mars passes by 28° Capricorn
June 26, 2018 – Mars stations retrograde at 9° Aquarius
August 27, 2018 – Mars stations direct at 28° Capricorn
November 12, 2018 – Mars passes 9° Aquarius


Personalised Energy Coaching

New Moon Solar Eclipse: 18 Leo 41

street performers

Two from a beautiful crew: come enjoy street dancers, performing on Friday evenings in Old Town Paphos, from the heart for all.

The sun (ruler of the new moon) and the moon (the Eclipser) will be receiving guests shortly in the royal summer play house of Leo. In attendance are Mercury (alternately preoccupied, shifty, wired-out and boisterous), Pallas Athene (the aloof strategist in chainmail tunic, occasionally clanking and chiming amongst her metal toys) and Hekate, the way-pointer currently in telepathic 3-way comms with Vesta (‘sacred hearth’ matters) and  Eris (strife and discord).

Along with the Sun, these three have been focused on their passion work for some time now. Over the previous weeks, as they have worked within allotted spaces and passed along corridors vibrating with life-force on the way to their place for New Moon rituals, each have encountered and paid their respects to the glowing orb-in-residence that symbolizes the Holistic Pursuits: the North Node point, currently at 5.5’ and just 12 god-sized paces from the top table.

More on that point here: When the Rubber Hits the Road and and The Traveler’s Essential Tool.

Casting a pleasant shade, the moon glides in. A bell rings and the pressure in the central fountain increases notably and holds; the surrounding pool level begins to rise. Bowls are set before all…and all are welcome!

We Note that elsewhere Venus squares Saturn. However, she also sextiles that North Node point. Venus is in Libra – her home territory and Saturn’s zone of exaltation. She is wired to soften the Boss’s message. Still, this kink in the line indicates that reality, with all its gore and glory, must be the foundation of lasting relationships and value-exchanges. No veneer or curtain will do just now and that’s for our own good. Practice firmness as kindly as you can without undermining your Self. The sextile tells us that when we are effectively working with others, we’ll have the capacity to co-create beyond our current limitations and see/hear/feel the proof. Be mindful, be observant.

That north node point is squaring a stationing Uranus in Taurus and for some, this is going to make mindfulness a lot harder to maintain. If this sounds like you, don’t fret – no, not by any means. ‘Failure is the elimination of the non-essential.’ – J.K. Rowling. So, let your Genius Muse out – and on the positive side, this contact will last a’ve got time to practiceWhen Uranus is involved, tuck and ride the wave.

New moons are a time for Rest and Restoration, to re calibrate the mind/body balance. But life doesn’t always seem to cooperate! These are the times to practice centering while driving, while walking, while riding the bus. And again, center in the shower, the pool or under the garden hose. Center as you fall asleep and while you wait for the kettle.

Over the next several days, peruse your inner seed bank and select according to your Leo house placement. Consciously begin again to nurture your Joy. Make it a ritual.

  • weaver


The Saros Series number is 2 New North, an eclipse family that “changes a person’s direction through the sudden collapse of an existing structure.” The structural breakdown could be anything from a belief system to something in our external life that unexpectedly destroys our daily routines. This may initially bring about confusion but the positive message of 2 New North is that in the long run the changes will prove deeply beneficial.  – many thanks to Sher Astrology’s Kimberly Maxwell

Perseids Meteor Shower – are again offering a very helpful link. Type in your location to check the visibility in your area.

Cycles within Cycles & Mercury rx in the Fire Signs – Connect the dots about Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius (December 2017), in Aries (March 2018) and Now in Leo. Astro101 to wow you! More at the bottom of this post.


More for astro students to contemplate:

*JUNO opposite Jupiter and square the eclipse

*BML  in conjunction to Mars rx and square Uranus

*Hekate/Vesta/Eris fire trine

*Activate the water trine


Personalised Energy Coaching