Eclipse Season: Special Offers for Subscribers!



If you are a subscriber to Neptune and the Oak, take advantage of some special offers for working with the eclipses. (And if you are not, welcome aboard.) There are five eclipses across the Leo/Aquarius axis between January 2018 and January 2019 and two across axis Cancer/Capricorn. For those who want to live pro-creatively and intentionally, these are auspicious times.

If you are planning to launch a new venture, grow your gifts/skill sets to the next level or seek to recalibrate efforts in play since this time last year, a (tailor-made, human crafted) report on the energies in play can save a tremendous amount of time, energy and angst. If you have natal planets and points in range of eclipse energy, you may be feeling that some shift is on it’s way from cues either within yourself or in your environment; your wheel can reveal key elements moving into play, provide the framing for expectations/limitations and assist you in maneuvering into the Stream.

Eclipses bring progressive and sometimes radical movement to one’s storyline; often the stage, props and costumes shift to facilitate the next chapter‘s scenes and the introduction of new characters or new facets of Self. The inner psyche brings refreshed stimuli for reflection and provides enlightening comparison to the Self of past chapters. As always, there is potential for a lot of ‘a ha!’ moments when we take in the view from above.

Eclipse Dates:winter-2013.jpg
January 31st: 11 Leo 37
February 15th: 27 Aqua 8
July 12th: 20 Cancer 41
July 27th: 4 Aqua 45
August 11th: 18 Leo 42
January 6th, 2019: 15 Cap 25
January 21st, 2019: 0 Leo 52

January 2018 to January 2019 eclipses report (including a look at the Leo/Aqua eclipses in 2017): €150.00
Focus on Leo/Aquarius eclipses report (including a look at the Leo/Aqua eclipses in 2017): €110.00
Focus on Cancer/Capricorn eclipses report: €45.00
Focus on Eclipses, January 31st and February 15th: €45.00

Note: If you don’t have natal planets and points in range, I will let you know and include a short note, at no charge, on the life sectors these energies are working in so that you can still watch and learn.

To order your report, send an email to weaver(at)neptuneandtheoak(dot)com stating the special offer eclipse report that you would like – and please include your birth date, birth time and birth place. In the meantime, have a look at last February’s post on the launch of these Leo/Aquarius eclipses. I look forward to working with you!
– weaver


Personalised Energy Coaching

Ahoy, Matey!



Screen shot: Seasteading Institute dot org


I must say that, though I wouldn’t have embraced this concept on my own what with all of my misconceptions and my fond attachment to earth under my feet, I am so impressed with this ‘in the zone’ fringe group of people that I am now watching and learning from them – and I wanted you to know.

They care about all of the issues that we care about. Of course, a seastead will require you to let go of a lot of your previous programming (aren’t so many of us ready for that anyway?) and sure, there will be times when life is not all smooth sailing, but editing process/trial and error are how a species gains intelligence.

‘They’ are the Seasteading Institute which recently held a conference hosted by the French Polynesians (oh, just exactly when that parade of FIVE energy archetypes were rolling through the first decan of Cancer a couple of weeks ago…). Polynesians have a lot at stake as sea levels rise…

“We Polynesians are certainly a people of the sea, the first seasteaders…By observing seabirds dipping to recover their fish, the Marquesans calculated the coefficient of penetration in the water of the “head of bird” and thus adapted the paddle…The Polynesians invented the meridians and parallels long before the West developed the chronometer…

“As they settled in the islands they discovered, our ancestors repeatedly showed themselves to be innovative. They also faced the same modern issues: demographic growth, pressure on ecological resources, climate change. They succeeded in overcoming them through their adaptability and rigorous discipline within the community, allowing them to develop specific visions of the management of time and space.
“These values, symbols, and concepts are what we want to revive and promote, to reconcile traditional and contemporary Polynesian societies.”  – Pascal Erhel Hatuuku,
Culture, Tourism and Environment Consultant, Polynesian Tradition Facing Climate Change


“As a young Polynesian working in sustainable tourism, I deeply believe that this project is a hope for all our generation, because they [seasteaders] have the same values we do. We do respect our environment. We do think about the future. We do have our mana, our authenticity. So I invite everybody from our generation, because there are so many people who come back from the USA and France with PhDs and Masters, and they don’t know what to do here. So this project of the floating island is a hope for a generation. It’s the hope that we are the millennials, and we are going to change the world.”  – Alexandrine Wan, Sustainable Tourism Expert Sustainable Tourism Development: We Believe in the Mana


A Space Station on the Sea – Where the Townstead Meets the Water

Imagine living on a very stable foundation with a group of several hundred people who all care about and pledge to actively sustain a fair and healthy co-existence with the Planet. Each of you has something you can sell or barter in your shop space or a value-service you can undertake for the good of the society; each of you has a home space with all of the basic amenities (and more, depending on your budget). You come and go as you like from your nano-state.

Think about this: the surface of the ocean is the largest solar panel in the world. And then there’s Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. Aquapreneurs want you to know they ‘got a better offer than you can get on land’…

See if you aren’t hooked within the first five minutes of this comprehensive podcast featuring Joe Quirk. And by hooked, fellow land-lovers out there, I just mean it’s an awfully interesting concept to introduce yourself to. 😉


This post was brought to you by Sun/Mars in Cancer square Uranus in Aries.

– weaver

Akamas_Michael Kountoureshis

Akamas: Michael Kountoureshis


Personalised Energy Coaching

Full Moon: 17 Capricorn 9′

That the outer space is dark, as opposed to our sky, is because there is no air or matter to reflect the light. In fact, the empty space is filled with visible light. We cannot see it because light, Intelligible or worldly, is the dark revealer: It only manifests the face of the Other and not Its own.  – Tomajj (source)


Full Moon: 17 Capricorn 9′

A full moon is a welling up to the brim. How deep the well source is from life’s surface events will determine how easy it is to connect the dots between what’s happening in your reality and what’s causing it. This is particularly of concern with a full moon in Capricorn; this sign prefers to curb its focus towards production and on-time delivery according to contract. Still, there’s cause to believe root issues may be maintaining their link to surface ruptures…

The recent new moon in Cancer had our strength of will marching forth for a greater sense of security. We soon experienced an episode involving someone or something far more entrenched and immovable than our will could conquer. Acting on the sense to just step a few paces to the right or left, in deference or support, was clearly the most pro-active thing to do. And we will not forget what we’ve become conscious of since that steamy parade of feelings passed through us. Our thoughts and mindset are still on these matters. We have a better lock on some facet of our needs – and now hold an upgraded edition of the map of the near-terrain. Score.


There’s also the fact that Pluto has been in Capricorn for years now and crested the half-way point. Deep mining, earthquakes, breaches of structural integrity in the mind/body/spirit, lessons in heavy equipment operation, the floor falling away from underneath, alone-ness in promotion/the top corner office/retirement are a few descriptors. Now we know what’s Real and what is fluff. Now we are getting serious. There’s very little left circling the drain. Another score.
Soon Now its time to find the plug, put it back in and start to refill our tub. The warmth of Generous Spirit and the Creative Muse beckon us to insist that we can BE even amidst and even in spite of the rubble.
cap FM cyp 9jul17The ruler of the full moon is Saturn, retrograde at 22 50’ Sagittarius: The Teacher is trining, off and on in a longer cycle, the archetype of the Sky is the Limit in Aries, the Individual. Stay open to the effortless flow of affirmations on tap from your Inner Mindscape; cognition generally lags but the download is in progress. The Teacher is also holding a few supplementary new term classes, open to everyone, in rooms currently held by the north node in Leo: strive this way! Sit up and take note of where and how you are learning about your strengths, your skills. Who are your trustworthy critics? Who wants to see you succeed? A support system is prime for forming if you don’t skip class.

As with all full moons intimately held within Pluto’s grip, we know we need to take some caution in our daily life. Avoid haste in all things. You may have your baggage sorted or at least well-latched but others may not. Just about every one of us can be triggered. Be ready to breathe through urges, save your fire for your own productive use.

Capricorn strives for permanence, Pluto is transformational: expect events to explain/define the state of affairs within one of your power-bonds with Others that directly affects your abilities to gain sustenance. If you have natal markers within range, you will feel Power moving into delicious alignment with your success – or – you can expect these affairs will now undergo a process of transformation that must occur in order for your feet to find solid ground again.

For some, this will be a rough patch with genuine fears and concerns – please, try to remember to practice only giving your attention to Now: the needs and issues of this moment only. In no way does soaking in anxiety about future moments aid you in meeting those moments when they arrive. I do realize that this is easier said than done. And relief…I believe there is a sliver, at least, of relief. Try to articulate and celebrate each and every positive truth you carry with you. Know that you are not alone in your experiences.

There will be very few who can say they really didn’t see this coming. Its Time…time to discover a whole new world of realities you didn’t have space for before.
The blessings of true wealth to you,
– weaver

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Personalised Energy Coaching