New Moon: 7 Aries 37

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Happy New Energy Year!

For all the buzz of springtime, this Aries new moon will probably be a little more sedate than usual on the individual level and I think we can all appreciate that. For weeks now, we’ve been overloaded with personal and macro voltage in this life sector. Recently, as Mars entered Taurus, we began to feel a kind of internal tug of war about where to channel all this buzz but we’re getting acclimated now and that brings a potential softening to this most-driven of energies. A degree of deliberation may suit before we go on conquest…

Many of us now won’t rise to just any old battle cry. It’s going to have to mean a lot; we’ll have to believe it can take us where we want to go. In fact, some of us will be offered or be offering some proof up front and that is a solid way to get attention and be recognised.

Using the theme of the recent Virgo full moon as a framework, contemplate and formulate your new moon wish. These are Action Fire seeds, by the way! What do you want to make happen so much that you are willing – you are happy –  to fight for it to the point of exhaustion? What would you expect to get when you work for a wish like that? Something awesome, that’s for sure. Go For It.

a prosperous new energy year to all!

– weaver



Astrology is a code that illuminates the timing of both events and issues one must find ways to deal with… there are always cycles within cycles, so that while our minds find it necessary to focus on just one cycle at a time, it is equally important to recognize that any interpretation that only focuses on just one thing must be incomplete…This is important to remember so we are able to maintain a balanced understanding.  – Jim Sher



Growing Your Truth Center

Regarding the battle against suppression, Rappoport concludes, “Anybody who goes after the truth is going to find very positive things happening. It’s not all, ‘Oh, well, I exposed the truth so now there are thousands of people who are after me,’ and so forth. Things are breaking out into a new direction here, and they have been for years because the passing of the ball is happening at a tremendous rate. We’re not the Cold War or the 1930s; our world is different, and so many people are joining, and the movement is becoming a tremendous, positive thing. It’s an invitation to anyone who wants to join the party.”  (Source)

     On Dealing With Systemic Tyrrany

  1. Dont immediately obey.
  2. Dont depend on the institutions. The institutions depend on you.
  3. Love the pursuit of truth.


And a Textbook Manifestation of Uranus in Aries :

Amal Graafstra in Seattle, Washington has implanted himself with an enhancement chip and you can, too. He says, ‘Biohacking is a big umbrella term. It involves everything from hacking DNA and bacteria and people to doing what we’re doing which is essentially not shying away from putting devices into the body to enhance it. They really view the body as a sports utility vehicle for the mind and just like an SUV you can upgrade your body now, too.’ (Source)



Personalised Energy Coaching

New Moon: 8 Aquarius 15




It’s been gratifying to read a lot of articles lately that emphasise the importance of cycles and of remembering that we are always in the midst of several of them at any given time. Even as some parts or persons in life may have us in standby or hibernate mode, this new moon initiates and empowers a cycle of This is Me Taking Progressive Action and here is why:

Mars will triumphantly bound into his home sector of Aries, shaking off an immense amount of heavy debilitating drench just hours after the exact Sun/Moon conjunction. The effect of this move alone cannot be overstated when it comes to how so many of us are feeling. Lethargy , disillusionment, a dispersed and incoherent mentality and even timidity, shame and victimhood will be hard-pressed to maintain a grip on the Self no matter where Aries operates in the mosaic of personhood.

The Sun and Moon are united in Aquarius, associated with both Make-it-Real Saturn and Genius Forerunner Uranus. We can plant the seeds for taking a Giant Leap and land firm footed!

All the planets are moving forward. With just a few exceptions, this is a time for applying these energies to/upon/in tandem with our cosm. Just make a note to keep in mind that virtually ALL of us will be feeling Fired Up and remember the lessons gleaned over the last year concerning how we use our autonomy, knowing the wisdom of limits and the necessity of the co- in co-creative work.

Uranus and Jupiter are in opposition. Gotta be you but you are not an island. Become more diplomatic even as you measure twice and cut once. Also, I note that legalities and endowments/gifts with a string or two attached of one sort or another are coming up a lot. Oppositions are opportunities to integrate via common denominators. If you can’t find any of those (and you checked that twice)…release that space so it’s available. Nature abhors a void so don’t fret about it for even half a minute.

Saturn is enforcing accountability, offering growth through and in spite of pain and a reckoning is due for those who have forgotten why they offered to serve.

Mercury is stepping into Pluto’s parlour. The powers that be have a proclamation, a fabulous upgrade or a termination notice. But first things first: are you the Pluto archetype in any of your various associations? I ask this because a great many people that I speak with have blind spots concerning their power. I sometimes wonder if subconsciously they don’t feel up to the responsibility that comes with it. Either way, if you’ve been feeling any of those descriptors listed in paragraph 2, watch that you don’t unwittingly become the dark side of the Eliminator and miss a brilliant opportunity for a holistic upgrade. ‘Impotent rage wears on you.’ – Jon Stewart

There is grace abounding for those with a will to be aware. First off and most obvious with a new moon is the Space to unify our thoughts and feelings. This is not the general state of affairs for the great majority of us and I am celebrating that union of frequencies particularly. There is grace in Venus in Pisces: she is exalted here and we can choose what we attract to us which automatically edits our mindset and behaviour. Which wolf are you feeding? There is grace in maintaining the status quo in terms of our approach: the marker for our best growth forward remains in flexible yet grounded, wheat from chaff sorted, know-it-by-its-fruits Virgo. As we rise daily to the Challenge – even as we acknowledge there is no map of the terrain – we can use these qualities to advance with as much confidence as is possible in these bizarre times.

Can you hear that rooster crowing? I sure can. 🙂

 – weaver

Personalised Energy Coaching

New Moon: 7 Capricorn 59




Ruler of the New Moon: Saturn in Sagittarius and your natal Saturn point. What do you want to make real? How much time and energy are you willing to invest?

If initial or first step ‘building blocks’ for a special endeavor begun around the time of the last new moon are showing themselves to be somewhat out of alignment with needs on the ground, avoid extreme thinking. It isn’t really accurate to decide that this spells automatic failure OR that it is ok to paper over the cracks…take your time in all assessments.

If you have a lot of Capricorn/Saturn energy naturally, hang in there! This unsettling space weather will lighten up in the next ten days. Meanwhile, do not believe any voice in your head that tells you you are losing your marbles or that everything is crumbling. Something is bubbling up…and it is not easy to bubble up through concrete-like grey matter!  (try to) Make patience your mantra until your a-ha moment comes.

I, too, am trying to practice what I preach. I have been having troubles with the internet connection, a crashed computer – the only one with Microsoft Word software on it, major household issues and two new in-depth reading requests (besides the subscription work) all at the same time –  oooph!

I understand there are limits to what I can do well. Those limits are there for a reason, whether I understand or agree. I can only commit to flexibility, service and quality within those boundaries. The rest is not about me. This same logic applies for your situations, too. There is a freedom and spaciousness in that, you know. Cool, eh?  🙂

be well,

– weaver



Personalised Energy Coaching